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NeuRoom goes Android
14 Feb 2010 04:48   [5934 views]

It's such a very long time that I introduced you my NeuRoom project (hope you guys still remember it). Although the time flied for a big while but I still use it recently in my daily life. :)

That time I selected Nokia 5800 to do the task because Symbian had the most complete Bluetooth Stack and also featured full multitasking. But now Android 2.0 have the complete-enough Bluetooth Stack so I ported it to Nexus One for experimental. And the result is...

Although it's not full-functions as original Neuroom yet but it works quite great anyway. ;)

One thing I quite impress while developing NeuRoom for Android is it's quite easy to set up Bluetooth connection in Android programming, only 10-20 lines or so (while Symbian use about 1000 lines). Impressive. ^_^


Sep 14, 2010, 16:47
เปิดตัวเว็บใหม่ WinPhoClub
Jul 7, 2010, 11:38
แนะนำแอพฯบนบาด้าทั้ง 7 ... สักที!!
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